Tribe Name | Member Name | Center of populace | Primary Species | Secondary Species | Tribe’s attributes | Magical affinity |
Vrataya | Vrataya | none | unusual species | any | catch-all term for Pasu not part of a clan | ? |
Ze’ev | Ze’ev | Estenne | Wolves | Canids, few others | Militaristic; work closely with the Viramarga | ? |
Kakshi | Kakshi | ? | Lion | Felines | Unfriendly to humans; lions marginalize other members | ? |
Heyoka | Heyokan | any large city | Foxes | any | Assimilated into human culture | ? |
Crocuta | Crocutan | none | Hyena | any | Homeless, wanderers, thieves; secret language | ? |
Deuter | Deuterian | Escorus | any | any | Deeply religious; avoid most technology | Rare; but otherwise very adept |
Bastian | Bastian | Plains of Bhuma | Felines? | any | Nomadic hunters; deeply traditional; deeply anti-technology | ? |
Centzon Totochtin | Centzon | Acre | Lagomorphs (Rabbits) | any | Traditional; large ‘intimate escort’ business; distained by rurals | ? |
Arcto | Arctorian | the borders of the Whitemarch | Bears | any | Secluded; slave-owners; warlike; resist human influence | ? |
Baluch | Baluchan | Helio/Gilead | Bears | none | Friendly; royal guards for human throne | ? |
Hindvalia | Hindvalian | Plains of Bhuma | Deer | few others | Nomadic; traders; many inducted into Viramarga | ? |
Faras | Fara | Plains of Bhuma | Equines | ? | Ruling authority over Bhuma; standing army | ? |
Tylopo | Tyl | ? | Camelids | ? | Traveling merchants; financial geniuses; lawyers; accountants | ? |
Calaveras | Calaverian | Meson | Frogs | Hydrophilic Pasu | Mechsmithing; weaponcrafting; traders; social status is important | Rare (depends on species); usually water? |
Ao Qin | Ao Qin | Cetayanti | Reptilians | some others | Protectors of Cela; unarmed combat; ritual & tradition; hospitable | Uncommon? |
Azi Dahaka | Azi | Samudran Desert | Reptilians | some others | Bandit gang; take captives; leave victims alive | Rare; but otherwise adept to fire |
Tseiqami | Tseiqami | Simurgh | Avians | none | Secluded; traditional; messengers & marksmen; ‘arrogant’ | ? |
Keero | Keero | none | Bats | ? | Scouts, couriers, diplomats & smugglers for other tribes | Rare; usually air magic |
Human | Human | Helio/Gilead | Humans | none | Rule Loka; as populous as all other tribes combined | ?; able to control magic well |