Cogflake Cogflake

May 03, 2024




List of Tribes

(redirected from ListOfTribes.ListOfTribes)

Tribe Name Member Name Center of populace Primary Species Secondary Species Tribe’s attributes Magical affinity
Vrataya Vrataya none unusual species any catch-all term for Pasu not part of a clan ?
Ze’ev Ze’ev Estenne Wolves Canids, few others Militaristic; work closely with the Viramarga ?
Kakshi Kakshi ? Lion Felines Unfriendly to humans; lions marginalize other members ?
Heyoka Heyokan any large city Foxes any Assimilated into human culture ?
Crocuta Crocutan none Hyena any Homeless, wanderers, thieves; secret language ?
Deuter Deuterian Escorus any any Deeply religious; avoid most technology Rare; but otherwise very adept
Bastian Bastian Plains of Bhuma Felines? any Nomadic hunters; deeply traditional; deeply anti-technology ?
Centzon Totochtin Centzon Acre Lagomorphs (Rabbits) any Traditional; large ‘intimate escort’ business; distained by rurals ?
Arcto Arctorian the borders of the Whitemarch Bears any Secluded; slave-owners; warlike; resist human influence ?
Baluch Baluchan Helio/Gilead Bears none Friendly; royal guards for human throne ?
Hindvalia Hindvalian Plains of Bhuma Deer few others Nomadic; traders; many inducted into Viramarga ?
Faras Fara Plains of Bhuma Equines ? Ruling authority over Bhuma; standing army ?
Tylopo Tyl ? Camelids ? Traveling merchants; financial geniuses; lawyers; accountants ?
Calaveras Calaverian Meson Frogs Hydrophilic Pasu Mechsmithing; weaponcrafting; traders; social status is important Rare (depends on species); usually water?
Ao Qin Ao Qin Cetayanti Reptilians some others Protectors of Cela; unarmed combat; ritual & tradition; hospitable Uncommon?
Azi Dahaka Azi Samudran Desert Reptilians some others Bandit gang; take captives; leave victims alive Rare; but otherwise adept to fire
Tseiqami Tseiqami Simurgh Avians none Secluded; traditional; messengers & marksmen; ‘arrogant’ ?
Keero Keero none Bats ? Scouts, couriers, diplomats & smugglers for other tribes Rare; usually air magic
Human Human Helio/Gilead Humans none Rule Loka; as populous as all other tribes combined ?; able to control magic well

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